Alcance Comunitario
Connecting with the community is a powerful thing! Flor Yoga Institute’s bePOWERFUL Program takes yoga off the mat and into the community! We will work with your organization to provide the healing power of Trauma-Informed Yoga.
Courageous in Mind, Strength in Body, Resilient in Spirit!
“Trauma is not just an event that took place sometime in the past; it is also the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain, and body.”
Providing resilience through yoga
Flor Yoga Institute cree en llevar el yoga a la comunidad.
Flor Yoga Institute’s BePOWERFUL program mission is to EMPOWER domestic violence survivors through the healing power of yoga.
Yoga serves as a pathway to heal the mind and body. It creates space in the mind and taps into the body to connect to inner strength. The BePOWERFUL Program works with survivors of domestic violence to be seen, supported and empowered. BePOWERFUL teaches to let go of what is holding you back and open up to new possibilities, to a new way of living and being, to self-empowerment! On your mat you will find your foundation, and rise with courage, strength and resiliency!
Flor Yoga Institute is proud to partner with One Safe Place, Family Justice Center, where we are dedicated to supporting and empowering individuals affected by domestic violence, using yoga as a tool for healing.
For more information on partnering with our bePOWERFUL Program, contact [email protected].
Root to Rise Program
For a better game, athletes do yoga! Yoga will improve self-esteem, reduce stress and increase concentration – all while promoting increased athletic performance. Instead doing the same conditioning routine, we encourage you to incorporate yoga! Every fundamental athletic movement comes from the core of your body. If you don’t have balance, you’re not going to have good mechanics, and if you don’t have good core strength, you’re not going to have balance. What is the best way to get a stronger core while also focusing on balance, strength, flexibility? – YOGA!
- Increased Power
- Better Endurance
- Better Balance
- Better Injury Prevention
- Enhanced Recovery
- Improved Focus
Please contact us to discuss Yoga for your Athletic Program.